Batter Law Trig Point
Trig Point In Seaham, County Durham
The Batter Law Hill trig point (143m) overlooking Dalton Park near Seaham.
Height - 143m // Bracket - S1640 // Postcode - SR7 8RP

This is the Batter Law Hill trig point (143m) near Seaham.

Park outside of the field, without blocking the gate. Follow the fence line SSE up the first field, then the same with the second. The trig will be visible, but remain on the edge of field to avoid damaging any crops.
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How To Find Batter Law Trig Point
Where Is Batter Law Trig Point?
Lat / Long
54.807213, -1.3698302
What three words
Where To Park For Batter Law Trig Point?
Lat / Long
54.809899, 54.809899
What three words
Room for one car next to the gate to the field (do not block the gate).
Contributed by Lorraine London
Helping you find all the trig points in County Durham.
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