Find Places To Visit In Ridsdale, Northumberland

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Found 3 places

Ridsdale Iron Works
Ridsdale Iron Works
Building Ridsdale Northumberland

The Ridsdale Iron Works, castle-like ruin in, was the point of manufacture of pig steel used in the construction of Newcastle's High Level Bridge.

Low Cleughs Bastle
Low Cleughs Bastle
Bastle Ridsdale Northumberland

A ruined 17th-century bastle, or fortified farmhouse, situated on a south-east slope of moorland on the edge Ridsdale.

Fourlaws Hill Trig Point
Fourlaws Hill Trig Point
Trig Point Ridsdale Northumberland

This is the trig point for Fourlaws Hill (343m) near Ridsdale.

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