Windy Gyle
19km The Cheviots Northumberland

Windy Gyle Hike

The Cheviots, Northumberland

A loop taking in Windy Gyle, the border ridge and Murder Cleugh.

Distance - 19km (12 miles)

Ascent - 590m

Duration - Approx 5 hours

Terrain - Mainly clear grassy paths.

Parking - There is parking in Wedder Leap car park. View Parking Map

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On the 4th September 2022 I tagged along with the lovely Hexham Ramblers bunch for a trip in to the Border Ridge and another visit to Windy Gyle. A lovely little heart-shaped route with Windy Gyle right at the middle of the walk.

Setting out from Wedder Leap Car Park in Alwinton we were soon climbing in to the magnificent rolling green hills of Northumberland.

The fab thing about the Ramblers is that once you are a member you can just join in with any walk around the UK. I prefer heading out with the group on the longer walks in the hills for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I don't have to plan it and I can have a lovely wander while following the leader and secondly, I know I won't be getting lost today!

It's also good to have a bit company if you're spending 5 hours wandering in the middle of nowhere. And we hardly saw another soul.

The tracks here are well worn and there are plenty of signposts so we don't get lost.

Just check out those wonderful rolling hills in every direction.

Beautiful heather on the hills and we even found the heather in the shape of England again!

Time to head right up towards Windy Gyle.

At this point we realised where Windy Gyle got its name from as it was blowing a hoolie!

Ou first glimpse of the track heading to the top.

And we've made it!

You can make out the flat top Cheviot Summit in the distance.

Another beautiful view of The Cheviot.

But wait, there's been a murder! (I don't think my Taggart impersonation comes over well when written down).

As you can see from this little marker, Isabella Sudden was killed by Robert Lumsden in 1610. She was carrying his unborn child and when he was apprehended he only faced a month in jail!

Read more on the full grizzly story at our Murder Cleugh page.

Last little stretch before we are back at the car park. Just under 19km over 4 hours so we made canny going.

Thanks to Nick our leader who guided us stupendously on the walk and to the welcoming company of the lovely Hexham Ramblers.

Where to Park For Windy Gyle

Lat / Long

55.386737, 55.386737

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Where To Park For Windy Gyle?

What three words


There is parking in Wedder Leap car park.

Fabulous Places On This Walk

Discover what fabulous places you will find on this walk - Windy Gyle.

Murder Cleugh
Murder Cleugh
Standing Stone The Cheviots Northumberland

A small marker stone where Robert Lumsden murdered Isabella Sudden in 1610.

Windy Gyle Trig Point
Windy Gyle Trig Point
Trig Point The Cheviots Northumberland

The trig point sitting on top of Windy Gyle (619m).

Contributed by Simon Hawkins

Thanks for checking out this place on the Fabulous North! I do enjoy a wander out in to the countryside trying to find hidden gems that not many people know about. You can't beat a rogue pele tower up a remote hill, a mysterious stone circle or a stunning waterfall secluded in a forest.

More Walks from Simon
Simon Hawkins

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Find more fabulous places in The Cheviots, Northumberland and if you know of a place we haven't listed, then let us know.

Windy Gyle Trig Point
Windy Gyle Trig Point
Trig Point The Cheviots Northumberland

The trig point sitting on top of Windy Gyle (619m).

Hedgehope Hill Trig Point
Hedgehope Hill Trig Point
Trig Point The Cheviots Northumberland

The trig point sitting on top of Hedgehope Hill (714m).

Shillhope Law Trig Point
Shillhope Law Trig Point
Trig Point The Cheviots Northumberland

The trig point sitting on top of Shillhope Law (501m).

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