Quorum - The Stone Faces
Art Newton Stewart Scotland

Quorum - The Stone Faces

Art In Newton Stewart, Scotland

A subtle stone sculpture hidden in a dry stone wall in the middle of the Galloway Forest Park.

Tucked away in the rolling hills and rugged wilderness of Scotland's Galloway Forest Park lies a unique artistic intervention: Quorum, more commonly known as the “Stone Faces”. These sculptures, not grand monuments or polished installations, are subtle expressions seamlessly woven into the very fabric of the landscape. They were crafted from local stone by artist Matt Baker in 1997 during a residency in the Forest Park.

Unlike the grand, imposing sculptures found in some public spaces, The Stone Faces are deliberately understated. Carved from local stone, they appear as weathered visages embedded within existing dry-stone dykes - traditional stone walls built without mortar. This act of integration is key to their impact. The sculpture is not meant to dominate the landscape, but rather to exist in a harmonious dialogue with it. Moss and lichen cloak the stone, blurring the lines between creation and nature's own artistry.

There are six faces in total, according to the internet, but we only spotted five during our visit. Maybe there are even more still to be found. This ambiguity encourages a sense of exploration and discovery for visitors venturing into the park. Stumbling upon a Face nestled amongst the ferns or peeking out from behind a weathered wall becomes an unexpected delight, a reward for delving deeper into the area.

Their expressions are neither joyful nor sorrowful, but hold a quiet contemplation within their gaze. They seem to observe the world around them - the changing seasons, the passing wildlife, the tread of human footsteps. Its also quite creepy if you don't know they are there and you suddenly notice a face staring back at you over a wall.

The lack of definitive answers adds to the intrigue. The artist, Matt Baker, has remained tight-lipped about his inspiration for the sculpture. This allows viewers to project their own interpretations onto them. Perhaps they represent the ancient people who once inhabited this land, their spirits forever etched into the landscape. Maybe they are a metaphor for the interconnectedness of all living things, a silent reminder of our own place within the natural world. Maybe its just a bit of fun!

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How To Find Quorum - The Stone Faces

Where Is Quorum - The Stone Faces?

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Lat / Long

55.023784, -4.36068

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Where To Park For Quorum - The Stone Faces?

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Lat / Long

55.019957, 55.019957

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There is parking a 20 min walk from the sculpture at the Grey Mare's Tail Waterfall car park.

Contributed by Andrew Gardner

I love being outdoors, in nature, and experiencing the relaxation it brings. Wandering through the northern countryside seeing unexpected buildings, historic places and occasionally surprised wildlife is one of life's great pleasures.

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Quorum - The Stone Faces was listed in Art // Scotland // Newton Stewart