Find Places To Visit In Otterburn, Northumberland
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Found 5 places

Blakeman's Law Trig Point
Trig Point Otterburn NorthumberlandThe trig point sitting on top of Blackman's Law (274m) near Otterburn.

Shittleheugh Bastle
Bastle Otterburn NorthumberlandA ruined bastle in Redesdale near Otterburn in Northumberland standing as a reminder of the tumultuous history of the borders.

Padon Hill Monument
Landmark Otterburn NorthumberlandA 5m high cairn on Padon Hill marking the wedding anniversary of some local notables and to honour the work of a prominent Presbyterian preacher.

Percy Cross Otterburn Battlefield
Military Otterburn NorthumberlandA 14th century stone monument to the Battle of Otterburn in 1388

Greenchesters Lime Kiln
Lime Kiln Otterburn NorthumberlandA three draw arch lime kiln in Otterburn.
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