Find Places To Visit In Ponteland, Northumberland

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Found 4 places

Birney Hill Mill
Birney Hill Mill
Windmill Ponteland Northumberland

An old 18th century windmill part of Birney Hill farm.

Kirkley Obelisk
Kirkley Obelisk
Obelisk Ponteland Northumberland

An obelisk marking the centenary of the Glorious Revolution by William the Orange.

Cheeseburn Grange
Cheeseburn Grange
Art Ponteland Northumberland

A sculpture park and art exhibition space set within the grounds of Cheeseburn Grange, near Ponteland.

Ponteland Vicar's Pele
Ponteland Vicar's Pele
Tower Ponteland Northumberland

A ruined Vicar's Pele sitting on the main high street in Ponteland.

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