Humber Hill Trig Point
Trig Point Consett County Durham

Humber Hill Trig Point

Trig Point In Consett, County Durham

The Humber Hill trig point is sitting in a field west of Lanchester (270m) near Consett.

Height - 270m // Bracket - S4076 // Postcode - DH7 0RW

This is the Humber Hill trig point (270m) near Consett.

From the layby, cross the road and head up the track to the farm. Follow the PROW through the farm, then head up the grassy path heading NW.

Pass through a gate and continue heading NW then W. Follow the grassy path through two gates before reaching the trig point.

The route is 1km from the car with 70m of ascent.

Follow the above route or find on OS Maps.

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How To Find Humber Hill Trig Point

Where Is Humber Hill Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

54.813332, -1.7806649

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Where To Park For Humber Hill Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

54.810627, 54.810627

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There is parking for a few cars in a layby on the B6296.

Contributed by Lorraine London

Helping you find all the trig points in County Durham.

More Places from Lorraine
Lorraine London

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Humber Hill Trig Point was listed in Trig Point // County Durham // Consett