Shill Moor Trig Point
Trig Point Ingram Valley Northumberland

Shill Moor Trig Point

Trig Point In Ingram Valley, Northumberland

The trig point sitting on top of Shill Moor (529m).

Height - 529m // Bracket - S7991 // Postcode - NE66 4NZ

A canny 6km walk to get to Shill Moor trig point added by it blowing an absolute hoolie with winds up to 40mph on top of the hills, making it a fun bagging.

Just about managed to stay on my feet while taking a few shots.

Fab views of the Cheviot and Hedgehope Hill from the top.

I parked at Hartside near Linhope and then followed a permissive path all the way to Little Dod.

Then skirting Shill Moor I found a path heading up before spying it in the distance.

I headed back down the front of the hill to the valley floor and made my way back along the road. Full walk details can be found here Shill Moor And Little Dod walk.

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How To Find Shill Moor Trig Point

Where Is Shill Moor Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.431665, -2.090104

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Where To Park For Shill Moor Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.439723, 55.439723

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There is a grassy verge just before the road closes at Linhope.

Contributed by Simon Hawkins

Thanks for checking out this place on the Fabulous North! I do enjoy a wander out in to the countryside trying to find hidden gems that not many people know about. You can't beat a rogue pele tower up a remote hill, a mysterious stone circle or a stunning waterfall secluded in a forest.

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Shill Moor Trig Point was listed in Trig Point // Northumberland // Ingram Valley