Bloodybush Edge, Hogdon Law And Wether Cairn
30km The Cheviots Northumberland

Bloodybush Edge, Hogdon Law And Wether Cairn Hike

The Cheviots, Northumberland

A 30km walk to bag some trig points and chunky hills including Bloodybush Edge, Cushat Law, Hogdon Law and Wether Cairn.

Distance - 30km (19 miles)

Ascent - 1,012m

Duration - Approx 8 hours

Terrain - Grass and hard mud paths with a bit of wading through heather and long grass. Can get a little boggy on top of the hills.

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At the start of March 2023 I did a virtual hike on our Facebook page, skirting Kidland Forest in The Cheviots and bagging a few hills and trig points in the meantime. Now that I've caught my breath, here is the full experience over 30km of the beautiful Northumberland countryside.

Starting in Alnwinton the first half our walk is super easy as I simply follow Clennell Street all the way to Yarnspath Law.

I pass by Lord's Seat which I haven't climbed yet. It has a trig point on the far side, so will add to my list.

Always love the mixture of the heathers and the grasses on the rolling hills.

Another little stone all by itself. Wonder if I should introduce it to the other lonely stone from my Upper Rothbury And Cartington Hill walk.

At the time, Kidland Forest was closed due to the effects of Storm Arwen and the Forestry Commission were still working hard to clear the pathways. A lot of the tracks had been cleared, but there was still a general notice not to wander into the forest. Fortunately our path is heading around the outside.

I dip onto the forest track (the wooded area next to Kidland) for a little and then follow a fingerpost leading up Saughy Hill. Nothing much up, just wanted to bag another hill! Did spot a couple of little pals hiding away.

Back on the forest track again and then as I approach the north end I just make out a little sign through the brambles to a path leading up onto Yarnspath Law.

At 543m tall you get amazeballs views and you can see clouds descending on to the big flat top of The Cheviot summit.

Time to start heading east now and towards Bloodybush Edge which is somewhere up there.

Still admiring The Cheviot as I wander.

Although I'm on access land it's always reassuring to see a nice permissive path sign. And also ace to see some crags too!

Another look back and that appears to be the border ridge in the distance separating England from Scotland.

And I've made it to Bloodybush Edge and the trig point (610m). If you're looking to bag all the trig points in Northumberland, then this is probably one of the more difficult ones due to it's remoteness. Around 12km just to get this far and a bit boggy in places.

After a spot of lunch, I wave goodbye to Bloodybush and say hello to more mega views.

Next stop is Cushat Law which is marked by a cairn and actually sits 2m higher than Bloodybush Edge.

As I am heading south down the east side of Kidland Forest, I spy a cairn atop a hill in the distance. This is Hogdon Law which I saw on my Shill Moor And Little Dod walk. As it's quite a trek so get here, I am contemplating wandering over as maybe it doesn't look too far away.

It's a bit boggy and no clear paths through the heather, but that is the least of my worries. The big clouds that were pestering The Cheviot are starting to blow this way!

I hasten the pace and pick up a track leading to the top of the hill and the cairn is getting closer.

Made it to the top of Hogdon Law and the clouds have changed direction, so all is good. Pretty spectacular cairn with even more spectacular views.

The clouds have returned to The Cheviot and Hedgehope Hill.

I don't fancy heading back the way I came, as it was a bit boggy, so I take a bit of a loop as I head towards Wether Cairn which takes me past another cairn.

And after my 4km diversion up Hogdon Law, I've now made it to Wether Cairn trig point and guess what? It's boggy up here too!

Then just down the track is the actual cairn.

Now I'm hugging the forest as I make my way onto Puncherton Hill.

Loving the steep, sharp edges to the hills as they dip down into the valley.

I make a little detour to see a sheephold and some crags (not plotted on the map).

Then it's over The Dodd and down on to the valley floor following the River Alwin to a farm at Clennell.

Following the fingerpost I head west back onto Clennell Street and head back down the way I came.

Walk now over, my water and my emergency protein bars have been depleted and my feet are wet, but totally enjoyed that mega walk. Bagging a few more hills and trig points is always a bonus. See you next time.

Where to Park For Bloodybush Edge, Hogdon Law And Wether Cairn

Lat / Long

55.351081, 55.351081

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Where To Park For Bloodybush Edge, Hogdon Law And Wether Cairn?

What three words


Contributed by Simon Hawkins

Thanks for checking out this place on the Fabulous North! I do enjoy a wander out in to the countryside trying to find hidden gems that not many people know about. You can't beat a rogue pele tower up a remote hill, a mysterious stone circle or a stunning waterfall secluded in a forest.

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Simon Hawkins

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