Whitehill Trig Point
Trig Point Kirkwhelpington Northumberland

Whitehill Trig Point

Trig Point In Kirkwhelpington, Northumberland

This is the trig point for Whitehill (247m) near Kirkwhelpington.

Height - 247m // Bracket - S3624 // Postcode - NE19 2SJ

This is the Whitehill trig point (247m) near Kirkwhelpington.

This trig point is just in front of the farm buildings on private land, so please ask permission before bagging.

Thanks to Michael Duncan for the photos and information.

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How To Find Whitehill Trig Point

Where Is Whitehill Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.165131, -2.0113822

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Where To Park For Whitehill Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.166411, 55.166411

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Park on the grassy verge.

Contributed by Northumberland Trigs

Thanks for checking out this place on the Fabulous North! I do enjoy a wander out in to the countryside trying to find hidden gems that not many people know about. You can't beat a rogue Pele tower up a remote hill or a mysterious stone circle or a stunning waterfall secluded in a forest.

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Whitehill Trig Point was listed in Trig Point // Northumberland // Kirkwhelpington