Cateran Hole
Cave Chillingham Northumberland

Cateran Hole

Cave In Chillingham, Northumberland

A cave in a crater up on the moorland between Eglingham and Ros Castle.

Sitting in the middle of absolute nowhere on the moors between Eglingham and Ros Castle is a mysterious hole in the ground called Cateran Hole.

The cave is located in a crater on Cateran Hill and is formed by a rift in the Gritstone allowing you to walk around 30m. (Into absolute darkness!!!)

Heading down the steps, we turn around for one last look at daylight and head in. Lots of sparkles on the wall and also a lot of people daubing their initials too, so the cave is not really a secret. Lots of rocks on the floor too, so be careful as you wander in.

About 10 metres in now and the entrance is a fair bit away. The path looks narrow here, but it's not too much of a squeeze to keep walking down.

Around 30m in and a huge slab protruding down blocks the path, however if you're feeling courageous there is space underneath to crawl through which leads into a small chamber. We weren't brave enough!

Now that you are back out in the fresh air, take a deep breath, and enjoy the beautiful views with Ros Castle in the distance.

So what was the cave used for? There are a number of ideas including:

1. The tunnel would stretch right up to the Hen Hole in the Cheviots.

2. The tunnel led to Chillingham Castle and allows the Lord to move around the surrounding villages without being seen.

3. It was used as a place to store smuggled contraband.

Option 3 sounds most likely as the word cateran refers to raiders from north of the border, a bit like reivers.

Need a bit more help find Cateran Hole?

From the grassy verge parking you should see this fingerpost nearby pointing across the moorland.

After 10 mins walking (maybe 1km) there is a marker post pointing straight ahead and left. Head left and just follow the track up and you should easily find the hole.

However just before the post on the ground we spied another clue and someone had etched CH into the rock with an arrow to the left too!

Need a bit more help, here is a map showing you the route.

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How To Find Cateran Hole

Where Is Cateran Hole?

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Lat / Long

55.506751, -1.839548

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Where To Park For Cateran Hole?

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Lat / Long

55.515322, 55.515322

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There is parking on the grass verge just off the road running through the moorland.

Contributed by Simon Hawkins

Thanks for checking out this place on the Fabulous North! I do enjoy a wander out in to the countryside trying to find hidden gems that not many people know about. You can't beat a rogue pele tower up a remote hill, a mysterious stone circle or a stunning waterfall secluded in a forest.

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Simon Hawkins

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Bewick Moor, Cateran Hole, Ros Castle And Blawearie
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Cateran Hole was listed in Cave // Northumberland // Chillingham