Find Bastles In The North

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Found 7 places

Kilnsike Tower
Kilnsike Tower
Bastle Jedburgh Borders

A tumble down 16th century pele tower in the Borders, built with the biggest cyclopean stones, and only sheep for neighbours.

Low Cleughs Bastle
Low Cleughs Bastle
Bastle Ridsdale Northumberland

A ruined 17th-century bastle, or fortified farmhouse, situated on a south-east slope of moorland on the edge Ridsdale.

Shittleheugh Bastle
Shittleheugh Bastle
Bastle Otterburn Northumberland

A ruined bastle in Redesdale near Otterburn in Northumberland standing as a reminder of the tumultuous history of the borders.

Rowantree Stob Bastle
Rowantree Stob Bastle
Bastle Allendale Northumberland

A ruined bastle which may not have been a bastle after all.

Hepburn Bastle
Hepburn Bastle
Bastle Chillingham Northumberland

A ruined, Grade II listed Scheduled Monument, 16th Century Tower House / Bastle House.

Woodhouses Bastle
Woodhouses Bastle
Bastle Harbottle Northumberland

A fortified farmhouse (Bastle) near Harbottle.

Black Middens Bastle House
Black Middens Bastle House
Bastle Bellingham Northumberland

A ruined bastle and cottage located in a remote area of Bellingham.

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