Heritage Blues (The Pitman)
Statue Durham County Durham

Heritage Blues (The Pitman) Brandon

Statue In Durham, County Durham

A Miner kneeling testing the air with his safety lamp, by Ray Lonsdale.

In the Fabulous North (and other places) we are fortunate to have many public sculptures. Some may be of a theme or by an artist whose work you wish to seek out. Heritage Blues by Ray Lonsdale is a new lad on the block as of August 2024. It is a life-size statue of a miner holding the all-important Miners safety lamp.

There are 4 pits commemorated on the plinth; Brandon, Littleburn, Browney and Boyne, which are named after the villages, the river and a viscount. Coal mining started in the 1840s, but ceased in 1968 and this miner dates to the latter era.

In the 1890s at the peak of productivity the mines employed over 1,000 men and boys.

The prose that Ray has composed expresses the outcome of the coal mining industry.

The community have called the work The Pitman (also known as the Brandon Miner) and it is part of The Heart of Brandon Project, as stated on their Facebook page:

'The aim of this project is to create an area of our village to be valued and to be proud of.' Paul Taylor the local councillor was instrumental in fulfilling this project. In the local Echo newspaper, he states “People asked if we could have some sort of tribute to our mining heritage. So, I invited Ray Lonsdale along who drew a few pictures and that was the start of everything.” “I am a great believer that if you improve the area people will take ownership of it. It's such a pleasant area now.'

The positioning of this miner facing the road allows passing traffic a view and the community asked for him to be kneeling.

The Bus turning circle was chosen as a start and given a makeover with decorative paving, flower tubs, and an area for the sculpture.

Ray Lonsdale is known for Eleven O One AKA Tommy in Seaham, and is getting close to 30 installations in the North. You can check a few out at the Ray Lonsdale section of the Fabulous North Website. Mr Lonsdale has certainly put the hours in to get where he is today. He was a self-employed fabricator with his own workshop and tools. He would arrive at work at 5.00am spend time before work developing artistic skills, then 'do' the day job to pay the bills, and then dabble a bit after work.

This work dates to 2022 and has details like the different textures for skin and clothing, which Ray explains was created by the spot welds being closer together. Details like knee pads, straps, and boots. Notice the look of concentration on the face and those eyes

Here is a stunning photo by Paul Cleasby who explained how he created it-

'I spent some time photographing the sculpture from different angles and heights last night. Next I put the shots through Photoshop and added light to the headlight and the lamp, thinking it would make it more atmospheric, as if the miner was working in the dark. I'm pleased with the results.'

One of the plaques on the plinth has an inscription that reads:

'The Pitman - A Tribute with our love and thanks to all the hardworking coal miners of our local collieries and their families.'

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How To Find Heritage Blues (The Pitman)

Where Is Heritage Blues (The Pitman)?

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Lat / Long

54.75535, -1.624509

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Where To Park For Heritage Blues (The Pitman)?

Show Parking On Google Maps

Lat / Long

54.755053, 54.755053

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I would suggest to park down Grey Gables or Station Ave and not on the bus turning circle!

Contributed by Rosalind Parker

Thanks for reading through and getting to the end of this post. I enjoy exploring the Fabulous North (Especially as a Southerner residing up North). I like 'snippets' of information, and more so, if they are obscure, amusing or meaningful. The photographs are taken on a mobile phone, without any enhancements.

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Rosalind Parker

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Heritage Blues (The Pitman) was listed in Statue // County Durham // Durham