Alnwick Riverside And Railways
14km Alnwick Northumberland

Alnwick Riverside And Railways Walk

Alnwick, Northumberland

A walk from Alnwick Castle following the river Aln and then back near the old railway.

Distance - 14km (9 miles)

Ascent - 190m

Duration - Approx 4 hours

Terrain - Grassy and forest paths and then cycle/pedestrian paths next to the railway.

Parking - Lots of parking on Ratten Row near Hulne Priory. View Parking Map

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Alnwick is such a treasure trove of gems to find if you aren't too distracted by Alnwick Castle or the Alnwick Gardens. But if you want to have some fresh air in the lovely countryside, then let me show you a fabulous route along the River Aln.

Parking the car along Ratten Row near Hulne Park, I head down to Canongate and our first sight of the day which is St Michael's Church. I'll head back here at the end of the walk.

From here I head north up Canongate and keep your eye out for some little fountains which are the Alnwick Pants which were the main water supply for the townsfolk.

Cross the bridge and look both sides to spot the weir and the bridge.

Just as the road bends to the right and goes up hill, have a peep over the wall and you will see the Alnwick Abbey Gatehouse, which is all that remains of the 12th century Alnwick Abbey. The gatehouse is within the grounds of Hulne Park, but is now in a private area, so this is the only way you will see it.

Just further up near the gatehouse (and I was on my tip toes to see over the wall now) was this little curious little building. According to the map, a well was here, so maybe it's part of that.

At the top of the bank I follow a path that leads to some houses and there is then a little gap that leads out on to a permissive track through some fields. And just like that I'm out into the countryside!

A few hundred metres later and I emerge onto Lion Bridge and a familiar sight.

After taking pictures I head down the path onto the north side of the river and just follow it for the next 5km.

For the next kilometre or so, you're going to be constantly treated to lovely views over Alnwick Castle.

Following the river I then come to a bridge which I head up to take some views of another weir.

Then just follow the track straight on into the woods. Pretty snowdrops emerging.

After another kilometre my next obstacle was the A1 road, fortunately there was a path underneath.

Sticking to the path I now following a sign indicating I am on the Northumberland Estates as I approach this little footbridge which takes you back into the town centre.

I don't need to cross this bridge, but I head onto it to take a couple of shots.

From here, follow the river onto farm tracks and then eventually come to the Old Hawkhill Stepping Stones.

A short walk from the stones and I end up at GreenRigg Halt which is a station on the Aln Valley Railway.

Cross over the railway bridge so now you are on the opposite side to the platform and head back east towards Alnwick. You can get a good view of the station from here.

Just after the station, the track runs high over the Cawledge Burn via the Cawledge Viaduct. The trees were too thick here to get some photos of down below.

You can see old remnants of bridges and structures as you follow the path next to the rail track.

A sign pointing left leads off to the town centre and before I follow that I head a bit more further down to catch a glimpse of some retired trains.

Then just back on the track towards Alnwick and past St James Park! Alnwick Town FC play here.

Then it's just back towards town past Barter Books through the Bondgate Tower and I'm back on the high street.

I manage to get my first photo of the old marketplace cross without someone sitting on it and then head past another pant and the Harry Hotspur statue as I make my way back to the start.

The entrance to Alnwick Castle indicates that I am back near Ratten Row and the walk is nearly complete.

Now back at the start I take a few pictures of St Michael's Church and will save the rest for its own post.

Another lovely wander out in Alnwick with lots of fab things to see on the way.

Where to Park For Alnwick Riverside And Railways

Lat / Long

55.416572, 55.416572

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Where To Park For Alnwick Riverside And Railways?

What three words


Lots of parking on Ratten Row near Hulne Priory.

Fabulous Places On This Walk

Discover what fabulous places you will find on this walk - Alnwick Riverside And Railways.

Alnwick Castle
Alnwick Castle
Castle Alnwick Northumberland

A castle and country house in Alnwick, Northumberland. It is the seat of The 12th Duke of Northumberland.

Alnwick Abbey Gatehouse
Alnwick Abbey Gatehouse
Religious Place Alnwick Northumberland

The remaining gatehouse from Alnwick Abbey, built in the 12th century.

Bondgate Tower
Bondgate Tower
Tower Alnwick Northumberland

A 15th century gatehouse that was part of the Alnwick old town walls.

Alnwick Pants
Alnwick Pants
Fountain Alnwick Northumberland

Fountains and water troughs throughout Alnwick that were once used to provide clean water.

Harry Hotspur Statue
Harry Hotspur Statue
Statue Alnwick Northumberland

Statue to Henry Percy, also known as Harry Hotspur, Alnwick's most famous Knight and one of Shakespeare's best known characters.

Contributed by Simon Hawkins

Thanks for checking out this place on the Fabulous North! I do enjoy a wander out in to the countryside trying to find hidden gems that not many people know about. You can't beat a rogue pele tower up a remote hill, a mysterious stone circle or a stunning waterfall secluded in a forest.

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Simon Hawkins

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Alnwick Abbey Gatehouse
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